
Sunday, August 10, 2008

And One to Grow On

My sister, Roselle, just got a few of her photos published by 91.3 KBCS from her story on the protest against public surveillance called Watching the Watchers.

I couldn't get any of her photos to show up here, for some reason, so bear with me and click the link.

I had a good weekend, mostly laid back. Worked on Saturday, but I got to do crafts, so it was all good. I made a house book during one of our programs. Those who know me shouldn't be too surprised to get one for xmas--with something special inside, of course.

The Boy went to play his three on three tournament on Saturday, too. He lost both of his games, but had a good time.

The garden is growing out of control. Mostly it is the pumpkin and squash that have become monsters. I have had a couple of the yellow squash and I have to say that I like them much better than zucchini and you can do the same things with them. The tomatoes have tons of fruit on them, but they are all still small and green. Pics to come.

Oh, and I have to thank BoA (see previous post) for the lovely gas card and thank you letter. It would be great if they also posted the refund of the overdrafts that they promised me, but $50 free gas is always welcome. Feels like they actually saw me as a valued customer that always pays her bills on time.

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