
Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's a Hairy Situation

The Zine Librarian (un)conference was awesome. I met a lot of people and learned a lot. The zine reading that accompanied was wonderful. I was blown away by the writing, especially a guy from Tumwater, who writes Funwater Awesome. I recommend it to everyone ;) Even got Dr. T to read one of the zines I bought that night. I also got a bunch of free zines for my collection at the library and a few special zines from my new friends for myself. One friend gave me a rad zine that talks about having a partner with diabetes and blindness and the challenges of having a child, called Worry Stone. It is really well written with lots of facts and heart wringing tales.

Things have been "meh" the last few days. So I cut my hair. Yes, my own hair. By myself. It didn't turn out too bad--I actually like it quite a bit, although it could probably use some cleaning up by someone who knows what they are doing.

Not the best picture in the world, and it has been a long day, but there you go.

I just put 50 million books on cd on hold for our ROAD TRIP next week. We leave a week from Monday to see my sis in Nevada and plan to make a couple of stops along the way to see friends. Reminds me that I need to call Yoga Mary back, but I don't think she would appreciate a call at 12:15am, even if it is a Friday night...

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  • Fifty MILLION books on CD?

    *evil pinky finger*

    So does that mean you librarians are not subject to the hold list max size of 100 items? Do y'all abuse that privilege for the purpose of a gray market on library holds? No wonder you shot down my idea of an official pay-extra tiered holds structure: You're afraid of losing your cut! ;-)

    By Blogger El JoPe Magnifico, at 9:19 AM  

  • Ok, ok, more like 5 holds, maybe 10. Can't a girl exaggerate anymore?

    And I think patrons should be fined every time they don't pick up their holds. Did you know it costs us about $8 per item and causes the item to be out of circulation for over 10 days? We don't mind when those items are then checked out...

    By Blogger srcsmgrl, at 9:53 AM  

  • Eight DOLLARS per item?

    *evil pinky finger*

    Oh wait. You're exaggerating again.

    And before you protest, yes, I am taking into account labor time involved to pull, process and reshelve. The way those tasks are batched and streamlined though, I don't see how the numbers could possibly total to that amount. I expect you'll want to arm-wrestle me to settle this.

    By Blogger El JoPe Magnifico, at 10:02 AM  

  • Nope, that is the amount we were told. Granted, that includes our labor and transport, which would be happening already (hopefully).

    Holds are a part of our services, and one that is unlikely to go away. Other systems charge for holds not picked up, just like late fines. But then again, there are other systems that charge for a library card as well. I doubt we are going down that road.

    By Blogger srcsmgrl, at 10:09 AM  

  • Great job on the haircut! Impressive!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:53 AM  

  • Thanks Mara, I am pretty happy with how it turned out.

    By Blogger srcsmgrl, at 3:47 PM  

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