Three for the Price of One

It is interesting how similar the promo for Bionic Woman is to the cover of Scott Westerfeld's new book, Extras. Scott talks about it a bit here. In his series, this is called "surg" (short for surgery) and is cosmetic--mostly. Unless you are a Special. Then it may have some bionic type use. I am looking forward to reading Extras to find out what the significance of the eye surg on the cover has. It comes out October 2nd--although I have heard that some lucky folks have already received theirs.
I watched the Bionic Woman with the B-man last night. It was pretty good, although I hope it gets better. The special effects were fun and I love Katee Sackoff from BSG. She will only be in the first couple of episodes though. Michelle Ryan seems so soft though, so unlikely to be a hard, tough bionic woman. I suppose this is part of the plot and we will see her character become harder and more remote as the season wears on. No Painkiller Jane here (um, thank goodness...). The show is getting terrible reviews on IMDB. I don't think it was bad--I would watch it again--but I also can't really remember the original series very well.
I had my interview on Monday and it went well. From what I hear the competition on this one is stiff, so maybe I will get my wish and get a chance to interview for the job I hold now. I don't know what to hope for in that catagory. Just have to wait and see.
Labels: interviews, job hunt, tv, Westerfeld
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