More random text to make your eyes bleed
During the day, I think up all these great ideas for blog posts. Then I forget them and all I do is give a commentary on my life. Boring! I guess I need to start carrying around a notebook.
The Comixtravaganza on Thursday night was great. We had a really good turnout with people of all ages (but no crying babies, as Sean put it). The contest was a lot of fun and Jope and EJ came, as well as Unshelved guy and his daughter. I had a great time chatting with them and parents and kids and Matthew Southworth and Sean from Zanadu. Usually I sort of freeze up in social situations but this was smooth city. Guess I finally have a handle on things.
Saturday was a lazy day--I was in pj's until 4pm. Then Dr. T and I took the bus downtown to meet Shoez and his girlfriend for her birthday at the Pike Place Brewery. We only stayed a little while because The Boy was at home hanging out without us. The bus was the right way to go though, since it picked us up w/in a block from my house and dropped us off right in front of the entrance, and after we only had to walk across the street to pick one up to go home. Why can't metro always work that way? Last week I waited through 2 times when the bus was supposed to show up and was late to work. The bus I take to Dr. T's after work is always late and last week it was FREEZING! Totally not fair.
Sunday was a blur. I worked, my car made funny rumbly noises, I got home, made dinner, stayed up way to late doing nothing.
Today, I rode my bike to the dr. office for an appt. It was so beautiful that when I got home I made Dr. T and the Boy go on a walk with me, during which the sun went behind the buildings and it was very cold--I complained the most. See me? The wimp? So sad.
So yeah, boring update post. I promise to try to do better next time. The most interesting thing about this post is the title.
The Comixtravaganza on Thursday night was great. We had a really good turnout with people of all ages (but no crying babies, as Sean put it). The contest was a lot of fun and Jope and EJ came, as well as Unshelved guy and his daughter. I had a great time chatting with them and parents and kids and Matthew Southworth and Sean from Zanadu. Usually I sort of freeze up in social situations but this was smooth city. Guess I finally have a handle on things.
Saturday was a lazy day--I was in pj's until 4pm. Then Dr. T and I took the bus downtown to meet Shoez and his girlfriend for her birthday at the Pike Place Brewery. We only stayed a little while because The Boy was at home hanging out without us. The bus was the right way to go though, since it picked us up w/in a block from my house and dropped us off right in front of the entrance, and after we only had to walk across the street to pick one up to go home. Why can't metro always work that way? Last week I waited through 2 times when the bus was supposed to show up and was late to work. The bus I take to Dr. T's after work is always late and last week it was FREEZING! Totally not fair.
Sunday was a blur. I worked, my car made funny rumbly noises, I got home, made dinner, stayed up way to late doing nothing.
Today, I rode my bike to the dr. office for an appt. It was so beautiful that when I got home I made Dr. T and the Boy go on a walk with me, during which the sun went behind the buildings and it was very cold--I complained the most. See me? The wimp? So sad.
So yeah, boring update post. I promise to try to do better next time. The most interesting thing about this post is the title.
No crying babies... but EJ did gag and spit up in the middle of the drawing contest! Hence our hasty early departure. Never a dull moment. =6
So I wasn't clear: Was that the originally scheduled speaker, or a fill-in? If the latter, who was it?
El JoPe Magnifico, at 12:28 AM
I made a new blog on blogger, I decided I didnt much care for livejournal anymore
Chris, at 7:20 PM
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