
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

They are Creeping Up on Me!

You know how when you have a lot going on, the less imminent things sort of hang at the corner of your vision? They are important, perhaps essential things that need to be done. They stress you out, sitting over there, but they don't (or can't) be done right away, so they just sit there, mocking you while you scurry about doing other things, then WHAM! you missed your portal.

This has happened to me in the past. Some people know that I am a planner. I plan girls night, I plan programs, I plan out how I am going to pay my bills for the next six months. I have a google calendar and I work it, baby! In the past, I did not have this beautiful google calendar to send me reminders and stuff got lost. The due date for financial aid passed me by one year. I even already had my taxes done and had about half of the FAFSA done, but I missed the deadline and had to write a sniveling letter to the financial aid office telling them why they should let me have top choice moneys anyway. Over the years this has happened with assignments and other things with deadlines.

And while I am good with my calendar now, there are still things I miss. Like my grandfather's birthday a couple of weeks ago. I know when it is! How does that date pass me by?

Right now I feel the hovering mockery of the ALA conference. I have registered--even got early bird rates thanks to Papa--and I have booked my hotel. What I have left is the airline tickets and the hotel for before, because I am taking the boy with me for a few days, then sending him home prior to the conference. This conference is in Anaheim, so I imagine that we will go to Disneyland one day and spend the rest of the time at the beach. Yay, sunny vacation!

But I can't book the tickets is driving me insane on the edge of my brain. It isn't conscious thought, it just jumps out at me at weird times.

OMG! I have to book my flight!
Ok, no. Calm down. (deep breath)
Ok, back to new books...

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