
Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's Coraline, not Caroline!

I am reading Coraline now. It is a very freaky para-fairy tale, along the lines of Grimm. I think the ending will come out ok though, unlike those depressing tales. Written for the 9-12 age group, but definitely for the strong of heart. I think teen and adult readers would find it just as captivating.
I also just finished Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, after I saw the movie with The Boy and his friend on Thursday last week. It was an excellent movie, although the plot was all twisted around from the book. The book was also excellent, if somewhat heavy on the swearing.

Without giving away too much...

In common: music, music scene in NYC, Nick, Norah, Tris, music executive, Thom and Dev, Caroline, Tal, Jessie the Yugo

Not the same: the search for Where's Fluffy, losing Caroline, the make out scene in the Marriott, Scott/Luthario, people thinking the Yugo is a cab, gum (can I just say "ewwww!" ?)

In the book, you get so much from both Nick and Norah's internal dialog. You see their thought process, their insecurities, how cool they really are instead of how cool they seem. You can't really get that from a movie without it getting really convoluted, confusing and irritating. So I recommend experiencing both.

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