Spring Time Update
Writing workshop number three got a whopping 1 teen in attendance. He really seemed to like it though. When I asked him how it went he got a big grin on his face and said "great!" The instructor told me that he found out about it from a flyer sent home by the school, so it looks like I didn't waste my time there.
I have started a little indoor greenhouse, thanks to my Mom's early birthday gift. I have 10 lettuce, 5 yellow tomatoes, 5 red tomatoes and 5 basil plants started, plus a jalapeno plant, some spearmint and sage to add to my herb planter. I dropped by the pea patch the other day and chatted with the gentleman that helps run the place. He put me on a list to receive emails about work parties etc, so that I can be involved before I get my plot (which may be some time after I move away at this point). I have already been on the waiting list for a year... Right now all of my "garden" is in planters. When the seedlings are ready, I will have to buy more and give some plants away.
I finally bought half of my plane tickets to Cali for the ALA conference. The Boy and I are going to stay with a friend in Long Beach for a few days before he heads home and I go into anaheim. I am going to rent a car for a journey to Disneyland one day and the ride to and from the airport. We are going to spend most of the time at Seal Beach and get a surf lesson one day. I finaly used those stupid American Airlines vouchers. I swear they are the hardest company to work with, and they have the worst policies and highest prices. I doubt I will ever book with them again. And luckily our flight is actually on Alaska, whom I don't mind so much. So, one down, many tasks to go.
I have started a little indoor greenhouse, thanks to my Mom's early birthday gift. I have 10 lettuce, 5 yellow tomatoes, 5 red tomatoes and 5 basil plants started, plus a jalapeno plant, some spearmint and sage to add to my herb planter. I dropped by the pea patch the other day and chatted with the gentleman that helps run the place. He put me on a list to receive emails about work parties etc, so that I can be involved before I get my plot (which may be some time after I move away at this point). I have already been on the waiting list for a year... Right now all of my "garden" is in planters. When the seedlings are ready, I will have to buy more and give some plants away.
I finally bought half of my plane tickets to Cali for the ALA conference. The Boy and I are going to stay with a friend in Long Beach for a few days before he heads home and I go into anaheim. I am going to rent a car for a journey to Disneyland one day and the ride to and from the airport. We are going to spend most of the time at Seal Beach and get a surf lesson one day. I finaly used those stupid American Airlines vouchers. I swear they are the hardest company to work with, and they have the worst policies and highest prices. I doubt I will ever book with them again. And luckily our flight is actually on Alaska, whom I don't mind so much. So, one down, many tasks to go.
Ack, I had intended for either Tank or myself to attend today's workshop! But I forgot to put it on the calendar. =(
El JoPe Magnifico, at 7:19 PM
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