OMG! Snow!
This is crazy! Snow in Seattle on March 26th! Maybe even more this weekend! Not fair :(
Anyhow, I wrote that last night and didn't have time to add anything, because I was baking a cake. That's right, I was being all domestic. It was an involved cake--not a box of powder that you mix with some liquid and get a middle of the road, good enough but not that great kind of cake. This one had lots of eggs that had to be seperated and whipped then mixed carefully back together. It is an orange sponge cake to take to my sis's tonight to complement dinner. I also candied some orange peals and made a light orange syrup to top it off. I will pick up some whipping cream on the way over there later. Yummy!
I like to take pictures (how is that for a change of subject--maybe I will take a picture of the cake tonight so there is a tie in...). I don't do it as often as I would like and I am truely an amature. I never took photography in school, and when cameras still used film, I rarely came out with good results. I have mosied my way through 3 digital cameras, finally splurging on a Canon Powershot S3 about a year ago.

I love taking pictures with it and have finally started using the video feature, which actually works quite nicely.
The sad thing is that since ROBBY has been declining in health, my photos don't want to upload to flickr. So I need to take them to another computer and do it, but that extra step is just not happening. My extreme laziness on display. And in my extreme laziness, I decided to order prints from costco, which I am picking up tomorrow. It took being too slothlike to move from one chair to another to get me to do something I have been meaning to do for months: order hard copies of some of my photos. For some reason, I could upload to Of course, now I need frames! Time to hit the thrift stores.
Update on ROBBY. She seems to be fine as long as I don't turn her off or put her in hibrination mode. She has now spent 2 weeks being on, with the screen saver set to turn the screen blank after 5 minutes of inactivity. The interesting thing is that blank is not dark. Somehow this blank screen lights up my room like a night light. At least it makes it so I don't trip over the clothes on my floor on my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Anyhow, I wrote that last night and didn't have time to add anything, because I was baking a cake. That's right, I was being all domestic. It was an involved cake--not a box of powder that you mix with some liquid and get a middle of the road, good enough but not that great kind of cake. This one had lots of eggs that had to be seperated and whipped then mixed carefully back together. It is an orange sponge cake to take to my sis's tonight to complement dinner. I also candied some orange peals and made a light orange syrup to top it off. I will pick up some whipping cream on the way over there later. Yummy!
I like to take pictures (how is that for a change of subject--maybe I will take a picture of the cake tonight so there is a tie in...). I don't do it as often as I would like and I am truely an amature. I never took photography in school, and when cameras still used film, I rarely came out with good results. I have mosied my way through 3 digital cameras, finally splurging on a Canon Powershot S3 about a year ago.

I love taking pictures with it and have finally started using the video feature, which actually works quite nicely.
The sad thing is that since ROBBY has been declining in health, my photos don't want to upload to flickr. So I need to take them to another computer and do it, but that extra step is just not happening. My extreme laziness on display. And in my extreme laziness, I decided to order prints from costco, which I am picking up tomorrow. It took being too slothlike to move from one chair to another to get me to do something I have been meaning to do for months: order hard copies of some of my photos. For some reason, I could upload to Of course, now I need frames! Time to hit the thrift stores.
Update on ROBBY. She seems to be fine as long as I don't turn her off or put her in hibrination mode. She has now spent 2 weeks being on, with the screen saver set to turn the screen blank after 5 minutes of inactivity. The interesting thing is that blank is not dark. Somehow this blank screen lights up my room like a night light. At least it makes it so I don't trip over the clothes on my floor on my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night.