
Thursday, March 27, 2008

OMG! Snow!

This is crazy! Snow in Seattle on March 26th! Maybe even more this weekend! Not fair :(

Anyhow, I wrote that last night and didn't have time to add anything, because I was baking a cake. That's right, I was being all domestic. It was an involved cake--not a box of powder that you mix with some liquid and get a middle of the road, good enough but not that great kind of cake. This one had lots of eggs that had to be seperated and whipped then mixed carefully back together. It is an orange sponge cake to take to my sis's tonight to complement dinner. I also candied some orange peals and made a light orange syrup to top it off. I will pick up some whipping cream on the way over there later. Yummy!

I like to take pictures (how is that for a change of subject--maybe I will take a picture of the cake tonight so there is a tie in...). I don't do it as often as I would like and I am truely an amature. I never took photography in school, and when cameras still used film, I rarely came out with good results. I have mosied my way through 3 digital cameras, finally splurging on a Canon Powershot S3 about a year ago.

I love taking pictures with it and have finally started using the video feature, which actually works quite nicely.

The sad thing is that since ROBBY has been declining in health, my photos don't want to upload to flickr. So I need to take them to another computer and do it, but that extra step is just not happening. My extreme laziness on display. And in my extreme laziness, I decided to order prints from costco, which I am picking up tomorrow. It took being too slothlike to move from one chair to another to get me to do something I have been meaning to do for months: order hard copies of some of my photos. For some reason, I could upload to Of course, now I need frames! Time to hit the thrift stores.

Update on ROBBY. She seems to be fine as long as I don't turn her off or put her in hibrination mode. She has now spent 2 weeks being on, with the screen saver set to turn the screen blank after 5 minutes of inactivity. The interesting thing is that blank is not dark. Somehow this blank screen lights up my room like a night light. At least it makes it so I don't trip over the clothes on my floor on my way to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Whidbey Helps a Zine

The vacation was good.

Diva and I stayed at The Yoga Lodge on Whidbey Island during the week.

It was really relaxing, and I was in a good place mentally to be without TV, radio and cell phone for 3.5 days. Other times in my life, this would have made me bat sh*t insane, but right now it was exactly what I needed. Langley was very dead--I felt sorry for the shop owners. But in reality, they had very little that I wanted. On the way home we stopped in La Conner which had some really cool art and such. Affordable even, although still outside of my price range at the moment. The gas for this trip and my weekend trip to Spokane totally put me over budget :( Someday I will be a grownup and have money to spend...

Today I had a totally cool program, which almost no one came to. It was so sad! But I had such a great time, I didn't really care. My zine-savvy co-worker/friend gave a demonstration of a one page zine (link goes to a flickr tutorial). I found a cool old Royal typewriter at the thrift store in Freeland while on vacation, so we had that to play with, along with several of Zine-savvy's type writers. I was amazed that the ribbon on mine worked--along with everything else. It needs to be cleaned up a bit and oiled, but otherwise it is in fine shape. Anyhow, I ended up making a zine to advertise our new zine collection at the library. It was really cool. I will take a picture later to post.

On first Friday there is a zine program at the Frye Museum. Unfortunately, this is also craft night and I want to figure out a way to do both. R. Crumb is the exhibit and I would also love to see that. I plan to bring my new zine to trade :) I made my manager jealous today with all of our zine creativity, so he said he was going to make one tonight. I am looking forward to seeing it. Heck, I want to make another one right now.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Gaming! (no, not a Wii post...)

I forgot to tell you! My open gaming day went great. We played DDR, Karaoke Revolution and several Wii games. I brought along Mario Galaxy which, even though it is only a one player game, the kids loved. One would play and the others would cheer him on. Yes him, it was all smelly teen boys ;) Seven teens showed up, although we had a core group of 5.

I had my friend SJ, a fellow librarian, come keep me sane and she and I played DDR, much to the amusement to the boys. I sang on the Karaoke and it was a blast, although the song selection leaves something to be desired. The boys liked that game a lot too and would often croon in some unknown language along with the song since it didn't score on annunciation.

I also went to WASHYARG (Washington Young Adult Reader Advisory Group) on Friday. I carpooled with two other teen services librarians so we compared notes on good and bad reads in YA during the drive. I enjoyed the reviews, but I always find myself wishing they would hurry up. We will see if I can follow my own advice when I go to the next one and give my own.

I have been scurrying around all day trying to get things done. I don't know how I ever had spare time before! Every second off the desk is prized like water for a thirsty woman.

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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Baby has Landed

The little one has joined us, with her wonderful smelling baby skin and cute little fingers. Sorry about the pic on the last one. I might get around to fixing it, but it is just a picture of the candle I lit.

I realize that my blog has become all about babies and Wii (don't they sound like they should go together? No?) My boss was saying today that he has to feign interest in babies. He says they all look alike, sound alike and poop alike. I suppose in a way that is true, but there is just something about babies that makes me love them. I think it is because they are still so unformed. There is no evil in babies. No jadedness or dark secrets. They just are, empty vessels waiting to be filled. They won't get f'd up till much later. As we all do to some degree or another.

I have no new Wii news at the moment, except that I hope to purchase Super Smash Bro's and maybe Karaoke Revolution in the next week or so. I promise that my Wii posting will slow down now. Babies however, are still growing, so I will be posting more on that.

Random Matter: I redid all my displays at the small library today. Someone checked out the two cornerstone books before I got the rest out there, but at least they gave me a good idea to go on. I have one display of books that talk about drug use--fiction--and another that has a supernatural cast. I asked teens to fill out a paper saying what mattered to them (drugs, std's, whatever) and put the slip in a box so it is all anonymous. I doubt I will get any...

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Sweet Babies!

Friend Miranda is having her baby!

She asked that when she went into labor that we light a candle for her and the baby. I lit mine around 10pm.

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Wii is not dead yet, and Friends!

More great Wii news: Mario Kart for Wii will be released May 1st! I am going to try to get this one for work, because it works so well for tournament gaming, but I also want it for home.

It was beautiful today in Ballard up until about an hour ago. I went out running and the sun was out, there were people walking on almost every block. I ran by Tent City 3 which has taken up residence in the church parking lot on 25th and 85th, but aside from some tent tops and a maybe resident at the bus stop nearby, you can't even tell they are there.

Now me and The Boy are going to play some basketball at the park. See, Wii does not chain you to the TV!

Oh, and went to a dinner party last night SJ's house. The food was lovely and it was really easy to interact with her friends. Hmmm, now I have to come up with a misnomer for my about My Man? Sort of goes with The Boy. Anyhow, My Man and I had a great time, and The Boy did too until he realized he could have been home playing Wii, at which point he affected boredom almost to death. Needless to say, I haven't gotten to play the Wii much this weekend.

And now that I am completely broke, I am getting to see my friends. Monday my red headed Miranda look alike friend is taking me to dessert to celebrate the new job (we have both been busy) and on first Thursday, my black haired diva friend is going to SAM with me. (these friends will now be known as Miranda and Diva, if I should reference them in the future.)

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Saturday, March 01, 2008

More Wii news--Obsess much?

Wikipedia to the rescue--as a librarian, I used to have mixed feelings about Wikipedia, but it is the best source for recent history. Everything else is out of date.

Rock Band will be released for the Wii, although I can't find a date. I hope it is by this summer, but we shall see. I will wait for it though, since it has everything I want. I might have to console (heh) myself with a DDR package. I have heard that the pads that come with the package are not so great, but I figure I can start there and get a better one later. I won't be using it for work, so hopefully it can withstand use by a couple of people for a while. That won't happen for at least a couple of weeks, anyhow, while I recover from my initial investment.