
Monday, June 30, 2008


You know how there is that one person who emails you all the weird email jokes, or spiritual messages, or political rants/funny stuff? I have one of those. First it was semi-racist anti immigrant emails. I put an end to that. I emailed him back to let him know we didn't see eye to eye on that, and he answered that he totally understood and stopped sending them. I didn't get any emails from him for a while, but they slowly began to trickle in until it is up to one or two a day. At first they were just silly, funny or inspirational, but now they are political. He evidently doesn't like Obama, and sends every piddling inflammatory thing my way. And everyone else's way from the look of the email list. I should just tell him that I am not interested, but I have gotten to the point where whenever I see his name (in all caps...) I just delete the email. I hope he never sends me an actual message, because I won't get it. I wonder if I could just label him junk mail--I am sorely behind in learning how to sort my email box into useful categories.

The conference is done. I learned a lot, got very little sleep and still have a day and a half here. Shoot, I really want to go home. I tried to change my ticket, but no luck (unless I want to spend a couple extra hundred). Guess I will just have to suffer it out by the pool. And I am having lunch with a co-worker.

I did have a great time networking and seeing my cohort. Libraryland is still as cliquey as it was when I was in school, or maybe everybody is just so awkward that they don't know how to communicate. There was someone here that I used to work with, whom I thought I was on pretty good terms with, but had taken a job in another system, so I don't see her any more. However, every time I saw her (only twice), I would wave and she would look right at me and keep going. Like I was an animal at the zoo and I couldn't possibly be communicating with her. And an animal that she wasn't particularly interested in either. Luckily, this doesn't bother me as much as you might think. Since I posted about it, it must hurt, right? Well, not really. I have enough friends and coworkers that do seem to like me that I can shrug it off. But I still wonder, "what the hell?".

A couple of updates:

The bike that I ordered won't be coming. It got back ordered, then canceled. I still need to call them to express my displeasure. Deep displeasure.

My p-patch is still alive, even with the lovely 90+ weather Seattle has gotten while I was gone. My surrogate waterer's have done a lovely job keeping things hydrated and even given me little updates. Yay, surrogates!

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