I came upon this beautiful piece of graffiti art today on my lunch and I wanted to share it with all of you. We don't often see graffiti of this caliber here--usually it is just a lame tag with little thought put into it. I am sure this will be painted over in no time.
Got to be bad cop with The Boy today. Funny how I can't stand fighting with adults--to the point where I actively avoid talking to a person I can forsee fighting with--but I don't mind putting my foot down with my kid. I got a call from my ex during lunch. Boy was he mad! He had to drive all the way to The Boy's school to give him his diabetes stuff because he forgot it (again) and then the kid gave him 'tude! We discussed it and I told him we shouldn't let his friend come over to my place this weekend. No rewards for trollish behavior. So I called the school and left him a message to come home after school and that his buddy couldn't come this weekend. I get a call back moments later "What!?!" Sorry bud, you are under arrest. The end. Fun lunch, I barely got a bite of my apple.
Oh, and guess what! I have an interview for my job on Tuesday! Wish me luck!!!
Got to be bad cop with The Boy today. Funny how I can't stand fighting with adults--to the point where I actively avoid talking to a person I can forsee fighting with--but I don't mind putting my foot down with my kid. I got a call from my ex during lunch. Boy was he mad! He had to drive all the way to The Boy's school to give him his diabetes stuff because he forgot it (again) and then the kid gave him 'tude! We discussed it and I told him we shouldn't let his friend come over to my place this weekend. No rewards for trollish behavior. So I called the school and left him a message to come home after school and that his buddy couldn't come this weekend. I get a call back moments later "What!?!" Sorry bud, you are under arrest. The end. Fun lunch, I barely got a bite of my apple.
Oh, and guess what! I have an interview for my job on Tuesday! Wish me luck!!!
Good luck on your interview! You're gonna nail it!
Meagan, at 9:36 AM
How'd the interview go?
Chris, at 12:08 PM
Oh my goodness! GOOD LUCK!
Librarian Girl, at 6:32 PM
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