A Little Bit of Everything
I also just planned a relaxing vacation to Whidbey Island. And then I realize...one of the days is 3/17. St. Patricks day... so I guess I am missing the drunken debauchery that my family celebrates every year. I hope my sister can forgive me. I already put a deposit on the hotel though. :( I will be able to go to my new nieces baby shower though. That will be lovely.
One of our LA's has been out for the last week. I feel terrible--she fell getting off the bus and sprained her ankle. Usually one of us gives her a ride home, but I was going somewhere else that night and the other LA was on vacation. I hope she is feeling better soon. Tonight I worked with two LA's from other branches. I helped a lot with circulation tonight. It certainly passed the time quickly.
I am really quite achy right now. I hope it goes away soon!